Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMP pada Materi Statistika Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Awal Matematika

The topic is carried out on the basis of analyzing the math problem solving ability of secondary school students on the basis of statistical documents considered from the initial math problem solving ability. The purpose of this study is to find a method to analyze the math-solving ability of middle school students on the basis of statistical data on the initial math-solving ability. The method used in this study is qualitative method. This study was conducted at Santa Maria Monica High School. Subject used in this study are 9th grade VIII SMP Santa Maria Monica students using rational sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that students with high initial math skills can perform all stages of problem solving correctly and accurately. Students with early average math abilit were able to solve the give problems, were able to take actions to solve the problem, but still the steps were no systematic and not maximal. Students with low initial math skills may not complete all step of the Problem Soving indicator corretly.

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Profil Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa SMK Swasta Otomindo Jakarta pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel

Lesson plans are more focused on how to achieve goals and indicators. However, student ability profile has not become the main basic standard. Therefore, this research aims to describe the profile of students’ mathematical understanding abilities. This research is a quantitative descriptive conducted on XI grade Otomindo’s vocational students in Jakarta. Data obtained from student achievement on the understanding ability test. Students’ understanding is profiled according to the results of data analysis on their level and abilities based on achievement in mechanical, inductive, rational and intuitive indicators. The results of the study concluded that the profile of students’ mathematical understanding abilities was dominated by inductive understanding abilities. It is because students are better able to apply formulas or concepts to simple or similar problems, but it is difficult to the rational and intuitive indicators. Students’ mathematical understanding ability is included in the low category on two indicators, that is rational in terms of describing the truth of formulas and theorems, and intuitive in term of estimating the truth before analyzing further. While in the medium category, it is on mechanical indicators in terms of remembering and applying formulas routinely and calculating simply.

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Hubungan Pemahaman Konsep Pecahan dan Hasil Belajar Akuntansi pada Materi Perhitungan Pajak Penghasilan

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between conceptual understanding of fractions and the accounting learning outcomes in tax calculation. This quantitative research uses a nonexperimental study, observational approach, and explanatory design. The sample of this research is 30 students from the eleventh grade in SMK at Bekasi. They were obtained through simple random sampling technique. Research data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between conceptual understanding of fractions (variable X) and the accounting learning results (variable Y). The correlation coefficient value (rxy)=0.98 regression equation Ŷ=6.49+0.927X. The coefficient of determination shows that R2=(0.98)2=0.96, that means 96% of the accounting learning results is influenced by the conceptual understanding of fraction. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant positive relationship between conceptual understanding of fractions and the accounting learning results on the subject of income tax article 21. Therefore, emphasizing SMK students understand the fractional concept is one way to help them achieve accounting learning outcomes and mastery of tax calculation.

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Analisis Kesalahan dalam Pemecahan Masalah Logaritma Kelas X MIPA SMA Harapan Jaya

This study aims to find out the various errors of students in working on logarithmic problems so that the specific objectives in this study are: (1) Knowing the types of errors made by students in solving logarithmic problems. (2) Knowing the factors that cause student errors in solving logarithmic problems. This research was conducted at Harapan Jaya High School. Based on this goal, the results of this study can be used by teachers to overcome the same problem in the future. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The research method used is a case study. The samples used in this study were 3 students of class X MIPA SMA Harapan Jaya with purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that: (1) There are 3 types of errors made by students, namely conceptual errors, procedural errors and arithmetical errors. (2) The factors that cause student errors are the condition of students being tired, learning conditions that are not supportive and not focused and not thorough. Based on the results of this study, teachers are expected to be able to assist students in minimizing existing errors by implementing various learning models that increase students’ accuracy in solving various problems. In addition, teachers can also provide feedback to students so that students can find out their mistakes and help students overcome any errors that exist.

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Kesulitan Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Barisan dan Deret Aritmatika

he purpose of this research is to analyze students’ difficulties in problem-solving in arithmetic sequences and series. The subject of this research is a student at SMA HKBP Lintongnihuta. This research approach is descriptive quantitatively. The types of students’ difficulties experienced were analyzed based on Polya’s stages of problem-solving. The results of this research are three categories of students based on achievement scores, namely the low category with a percentage of 50%, the medium category with a percentage of 30%, and the high category with a percentage of 20%. There are 4 types of difficulties experienced by students, that is: (1) difficulty in understanding the problem with the number of students experiencing it as much as 28%, (2) students’ difficulties in planning problem solving with the number of students experiencing it as much as 11%, (3) students’ difficulties in carrying out the plan in problem-solving with the number of students experiencing it as much as 12%, and (4) difficulty in looking back at answers with the number of students experiencing it as much as 8%. The type of difficulty that most students experience is in understanding the problem.

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