Analysis of Students Learning Ethics in Online Learning via Zoom in Mathematical Communication Ability at Senior High School Bunda Kandung Jakarta

This research is based on the results of observations of class X IIS regarding student’s mathematical communication in online learning ethics via zoom. Initial findings indicate that mathematical communication skills have emerged but are not optimal. In general, the research objective is analyzing student’s online learning ethics via Zoom in mathematical communication. The method used is descriptive qualitative method to reveal facts. The data are collected through observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation/combination. This study involved three students from class X IIS and the teacher as a validator at Senior High School Bunda Kandung. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model through four stages, which are data collection, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions/ verification. The results showed that student’s learning ethics via zoom on student’s mathematical communication skills for subjects 1 and 2 were optimal because subjects 1 and 2 were able to communicate, express ideas, manage thoughts, analyze and evaluate mathematical thoughts. However, subject 3 has not been optimal in communicating their mathematical thoughts coherently and clearly. Subject 3 is unable to analyze his thoughts and unable to behave well with his friends.

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The Relationship of Offline Learning with Discrete Mathematics Learning Interests After the Pandemic

This article aims to determine the relationship between offline learning and interest in learning discrete mathematics after the pandemic. The research method used is quantitative. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1 to 5. The variables in this study consisted of variable X, namely offline learning and variable Y, namely interest in learning. Each variable consists of 4 indicators. The result of this research is that there is a relationship between offline learning and students’ interest in learning in discrete mathematics courses of 0.801. So it can be said that the relationship between offline learning and learning interest is very strong. This is because in offline learning students can interact directly with the lecturer so that discrete mathematics material that has not been understood can be directly asked during learning. Offline learning can also encourage interest in learning so that students are more enthusiastic and enthusiastic about participating in discrete mathematics lectures.

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The Learning Process with Contextual Approach to Improve Students’ Motivation and Mathematics Learning Achievement

The aim of this study was to describe the learning process with a contextual approach to improve motivation and Mathematics learning achievement on Integer topic for seventh grade students of State Junior High School 1 Bonggo in the 2019/2020 academic year. This research was conducted in the seventh grade of State Junior High School 1 Bonggo, Sarmi Regency, Papua Province. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) was used as the research method. The research object involved the whole process of implementing Mathematics learning with a contextual approach to improve motivation and Mathematics learning achievement of seventh grade students of State Junior High School 1 Bonggo, Sarmi Regency, Papua Province. Based on the research results, the Mathematics score of pre-cycle to cycle I improved from 50.4 to 67.2, in cycle II it improved further to 79.4. Meanwhile, the motivation in Mathematics learning obtained pre-cycle score of 65.8, cycle I score of 70, and cycle II score of 91. It is advised that teachers should use the CTL learning method on other subjects to improve students’ motivation and Mathematics learning achievement.

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Instructional Design: Teaching Algebraic Equations to Grade 8 Students with Involvement of Mathematical Reasoning in Cambridge IGCSE Curriculum

Mathematics tends to be a subject that is not favored due to a misunderstanding of the whole concept. The author believes that through involvement of mathematical reasoning skills and proper instructional strategies, students understanding can be transformed and students will be able to relearn the concept. The aim of this paper is to help teachers to recreate their lesson plans in a form of an instructional design with the involvement of mathematical reasoning, specifically in learning and relearning algebraic equations (constructivism), that can further diminish the anxiety and frustration students experience due to misconceptions in their algebraic comprehension. Through a combination of theories related to the teaching and learning of algebra in secondary school and frameworks regarding instructional strategies, the betterment of mathematical reasoning is expected to go along the relearning process, and the students will be equipped to move forward in learning mathematics. This instructional design will provide a variety of learning activities ideas, including a sample lesson plan along with other supporting documents for learning activities that teachers can use in the classroom.

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Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Indonesia

This study aims to provide knowledge and references to researchers as a basis that will be used in further research. The method used is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which identifies, classifies, and categorizes certain topics related to research on students’ mathematical problem solving abilities in Indonesia. The data used are 33 articles that have SINTA 1 and SINTA 2 accredited criteria, such as in the journals AKSIOMA and KREANO, which were taken within the last 3 years, namely 2019 to 2021. The data are grouped into 6 discussions, namely a list of journal names, year published articles, methods used, research subjects, teaching materials used, and research results. In most articles, the most widely used research method in qualitative research methods, and the research subject is 8th grade of junior high school. It was also found that 10th grade of senior high school, 11th grade of senior high school, and 10th grade of vocational high school were also research subjects. While the material in the research is mostly found about constructing flat side spaces.

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